October is Ohio School Safety Month and Indian Lake School Resource Officer Logan Miller met with all Indian Lake High School students recently to stress the importance of speaking up if they see something that concerns them.
After a number of school threats around the country earlier this year originating from social media posts, SRO Miller reminded students that the best way to keep each other safe is to tell him or another trusted adult about anything troubling that they see or hear. He strongly advised them not to share any threatening posts, as sharing can be considered endorsing the threat or inducing panic.
SRO Miller presented a video from the Ohio School Safety Center and reminded students that there is also an anonymous tip line to report concerns.
Finally, he also asked them to not hang up, but explain themselves if they accidentally call 911. There was a situation earlier this year when a high school student mistakenly called 911 several times at school, but hung up instead of explaining they had a problem with their phone.
Ohio School Safety Month has been designated to increase public awareness of school safety programs and to encourage Ohioans to identify their role in keeping Ohio schools a safe place for students to learn and grow.